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We aim to increase our customer satisfaction but also to create a more efficient and a more effective work environment.

Our multicultural team of Engineers manage from each of our locations the regional procurement activities, to bring only the best components to our solutions. Over the years they have developed a worldwide network of suppliers, manufacturers and industrial partners, that are qualified and regularly audited by our team of experts.

Construction & assembly operations are carried out as close as possible to the end-user of the system, to limit costs and shipping time, but also to provide local content to the country where we operate. This local content philosophy brings business & operational excellence to local manufacturing companies, helping the development of local talents.

Our main HSE objective is to fulfill a “0 accident” target. Always looking for improving Occupational Health and Safety conditions in the work environment, by placing HSE at the heart of our activities, is an integral part of Crexobas philosophy and reflects our care for the well-being of our coworkers and our attitude towards the social environment we live and operate in.

For us, at Crexobas, compliance with the relevant applicable legislation and our client specifications represents starting points to improve upon when it is reasonably possible.

We are only too aware that our present development should not jeopardize the development of the present and future generations. Intensive efforts towards sustainable development, in terms of environmental management, are being made allowing us to provide equipment which are honorable in the long term and do not desorb any substances in the environment during their use. 

We aim for continuous improvement of working and living conditions of our coworkers and the populations living in the vicinity of Crexobas facilities.

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 Keith Tandy Jersey